Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Yes, IOU an apology for not updating this blog as often as I should. My husband owns a tax preparation business and this year Tax season came early and he has been really, really busy. Luckily I found this IOU’s cards idea that he can give to my daughters as soon as tax season is over. My five year old will be thrilled and I am sure she will SO MUCH FUN redeeming them!
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1 comment:

  1. Yadira, as a wife of Income Tax Preparer myself, I understand the loneliness, and sometimes the sense of fear for handling everything and running a house. I don't have kids, so I admire you even more. I miss your posts but I understand how crazy this time is, you don't own us anything, just post when you have time. Keep going and the good thing is that it will over as soon as calendar marks April 15. Good Luck.
    South Carolina


Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion. I really appreciate it!